Topics Index
Content organized by main topics
- Access
- Change Internet access, About Internet Access configuration, Change internet access for User Groups, Networks, and Hosts
- Access Control
- Access Groups, About Access Groups
- Access Group
- API, Create API credentials and enable API access
- Audit Log
- About, About Audit Log
- Filter, Filter audit log entries
- Report, Export audit log entries
- View, View audit log entries
- Authentication, About User Authentication
- 2FA, Set two-factor authentication (2FA) for Users
- email/password, Set CloudConnexa (Username/Password) authentication for Users
- LDAP, Set Private LDAP authentication for Users
- LDAP group mapping, Set LDAP User Group Mapping Rules
- SAML group mapping, Set SAML Single Sign-On User Group Mapping Rules
- SAML single sign-on, Set SAML Single Sign-On authentication for Users
- Cloud Connexa
- AWS SaaS contract, CloudConnexa - A Software as a Service (SaaS) solution on AWS
- Start now, Start using CloudConnexa
- CloudConnexa
- Connectors, CloudConnexa Connectors
- Create account, Create a CloudConnexa Account
- how it works, How does CloudConnexa work?
- introduction, Introduction
- Connection
- Connector
- Default Region, Set a default Region for Connector configuration
- Edit IPsec configuration, Edit an IPsec Connector's configuration
- For IaaS Providers, Connector for Public Cloud IaaS Providers
- For OS, Connector for Operating Systems
- Routers, Network Connectors for Routers
- status change notification, Set notification for Connector status change
- Types, Types of CloudConnexa Connectors
- VPS, Network Connector for Virtual Private Servers (VPS)
- Cyber Shield
- Investigate, Investigate using Cyber Shield Top 10 Dashboard
- Reports, Get reports from the Cyber Shield Top 10 Dashboard
- Top 10 dashboard, Interact with the Cyber Shield Top 10 Dashboard
- Wizard, Configure Cyber Shield using the Wizard
- Device
- About, About Devices
- connection profile, Download Connection Profile as a .ovpn file for a User's Device
- identity verification and enforcement, Set the Device Identity Verification & Enforcement (DIVE) policy for Users
- List, List, filter, search, edit, revoke, and delete Devices
- OpenVPN custom options, Set custom options to push to all OpenVPN clients
- Device Posture
- About, About Device Posture
- Add policy, Add a device posture policy
- Delete policy, List, edit, and delete a device posture policy
- Edit policy, List, edit, and delete a device posture policy
- List policies, List, edit, and delete a device posture policy
- User Group Assignment, Assign a Device Posture policy to a User Group
- add record, Set DNS Records
- default suffix, Set a default DNS suffix
- private DNS, Set private DNS servers
- proxy, Set CloudConnexa DNS Proxy Off
- zones, Set a DNS zone
- Domain Filtering
- Content Categories, Domain Filtering Protection Levels and Content Categories
- metrics, View content filtering metrics
- Protection Levels, Domain Filtering Protection Levels and Content Categories
- Host
- About, About Hosts
- Add, Add a Host to access an Application Server
- Add Application, Add an Application to a Host
- Add Connector, Add a Connector to a Host
- Add IP Service, Add an IP Service to a Host
- Applications, About Host Applications
- Connector .ovpn file, Download a Host Connector's connection profile as a .ovpn file
- Connector's profile token, Get a Host Connector's connection profile token
- Connectors, About Host Connectors
- Deploy Connector, Deploy a Host Connector for a configured Host
- Internet Access, Change the internet access for a Host
- IP Service, About Host IP Services
- List, List, filter, and search for Hosts
- List, search, edit, and delete Applications, List, search, edit, and delete Host Applications
- list, search, edit, and delete Connectors, List, search, edit, and delete Host Connectors
- list, search, edit, and delete IP Services, List, search, edit, and delete Host IP Services
- view, modify, and delete, View, make changes, and delete a Host
- offline notification, Set notification for LDAP Server offline, Set notification for LDAP Server connectivity
- Log
- DNS, About DNS Log
- log streaming
- status changes and high usage notification, Set notification for log streaming status changes and high usage
- Logs
- activate streaming, Activate Log Streaming
- collection tools, Retrieve Logs With Third-Party Log Collection Tools
- connections, Get details of current and past connections
- streaming, About Log Streaming
- Network
- About, About Networks
- Add Application, Add an Application to a Network
- Add Connector, Add a Connector to a Network
- Add IP Service, Add an IP Service to a Network
- Add Route, Add a Route to a Network
- Add site-to-site networking using the wizard, Add a Network for site-to-site connectivity
- Application Domain-based Routing, About Application Domain-based Routing
- Applications, About Network Applications
- Connection profile token, Get an OpenVPN Network Connector's connection profile token
- Connector .ovpn file, Download an OpenVPN Network Connector's connection profile as a .ovpn file
- Connectors, About Network Connectors
- Deploy Connector, Deploy a Network OpenVPN Connector for a configured Network
- Internet Access, Change the internet access for a Network
- IP Services and Routes, About Network Routes and IP Services
- List, List, filter, and search for Networks
- List, search, edit, and delete Applications, List, search, edit, and delete Network Applications
- list, search, edit, and delete Connectors, List, search, edit, and delete Network Connectors
- list, search, edit, and delete Routes and IP Services, List, search, edit, and delete Network Routes and IP Services
- remote access wizard, Add a network for remote access using the Network Wizard
- Secure internet access to specific destinations wizard, Add a Network for secure internet access to select internet destinations
- Secure internet access wizard, Add a Network for secure internet access
- Set as Internet Gateway, Make a Network act as an Internet Gateway
- view, modify, and delete, View, make changes, and delete a Network
- Network Connector
- IPsec Connector detail, View a configured IPsec Connector's details
- Notifications
- Settings, About Notification Settings
- Profile
- distribution mode, Set the profile distribution mode for Users
- Reports
- connections, Exporting connection details to a CSV file
- Cyber Shield, Get reports from the Cyber Shield Top 10 Dashboard
- About, About SCIM
- Activate, Activate SCIM and configure Identity Provider
- Deactivate, Deactivate SCIM
- Regenerate Token, Regenerate SCIM token to extend lifetime
- Revoke Token, Revoke the provisioning token and deactivate SCIM
- Subscription
- exceeded notification, Set notification for subscription limit exceeded
- high usage notification, Set notification for high subscription usage
- limit exceeded count, Check the number of times the subscription limit was exceeded
- Traffic Filtering
- User
- About, About Users and User Roles
- Add, Add a User
- Add Admin, Add an Administrator
- Add Device, Add a Device for a User
- Change Group, Change a User's User Group
- clear trusted 2FA devices, Clear devices for which 2FA is being skipped for a User
- details, View details and devices for a User
- device allowance, Set the default device allowance for Users
- Edit details, Edit a User's Account Details
- List, List, filter, and search for Users
- password management, Manage passwords for a User
- Promote to Admin, Change the Role of a User to Administrator
- reset 2FA, Reset 2FA for a User
- Suspend, Suspend a User
- User Group
- About, About User Groups
- Add, Add a User Group, Edit a User Group
- connection authentica, Set a User's connection authentication policy
- details, View details and users for a User Group
- device limit, Restrict the number of Devices per User
- internet access, Set the Internet Access method for a User
- limit Regions, Restrict the User to connect to a specific set of Regions
- policy details, View policies for a User Group
- Additional WPC, Create and manage additional WPCs using the same account
- Connect, Connect to your WPC
- connection details, Get details of current and past connections
- Create first, Create a CloudConnexa Account
- Device and Connector Subnet, Set the IP Subnet range from which to assign Tunnel IP addresses
- Domain Routing Subnet, Set the IP Subnet range from which to assign Domain Routing IP addresses
- online connections, Check the status of online Devices and Connectors
- online hosts, Find the number of Hosts online
- online networks, Find the number of Networks online
- online users, Find the number of Users online
- SNAT, Set Source Network Address Translation (SNAT) for WPC
- Subscription Management, Manage your subscription
- traffic volume, Check the amount of transferred traffic