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View, make changes, and delete a Host


The detailed view of a configured Host provides an overview and details for the Connectors, IP Services, and Applications configured for the Host. It also allows you to add Connectors, IP Services, and Applications. The Host can be deleted or its details changed.

The detailed view of a configured Host provides an overview and details for the Connectors, IP Services, and Applications configured for the Host. It also allows you to add Connectors, IP Services, and Applications. The Host can be deleted or its details changed.

View details for a specific Host

To see the detailed view for a Host, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Hosts > Hosts.

    You will see a table listing all configured Hosts.

  2. Click on the hyperlinked Name of the Host for which you want to see details.

    The details of the Host will be shown along with the Edit Host Details button and the delete trash_icon.png icon. The information and other actions are displayed using four tabs: Overview Tab, Applications Tab, IP Services Tab, and Connectors Tab.

Overview Tab

The Overview tab displays the following information about the Host:

  • The Host's Connection Status shows whether it is Offline, Online, or Online with issues.

  • The Host's Name.

  • The Host's Domain name is shown if it is present.

  • The Host's Internet Access setting.

  • The Host's Allocated WPC subnets are the IPv4 and IPv6 subnets assigned to the Host from which tunnel IP addresses will be provided to its Connector(s).

Applications Tab

The Applications tab lists the Applications configured for the selected Host. It also allows you to add a new Application and search for Applications on the list. For more information on Host Applications, refer to About Host Applications. The list includes the following for each of the Host's Applications:

  • Application Name

  • Application Domain

  • Application Type (Protocols and Ports)

  • The Description is shown if present.

  • Edit pencil_icon.png icon.

  • Delete trash_icon.png icon.

Actions available from the Applications Tab

The actions that can be taken from the Applications tab are listed below.

Sort the Host Application list

You can sort the table of Applications on the Application Name by hovering over the Name column heading and clicking on the arrow that appears.

Search the Host Application list

You can search by clicking the search search_icon.png icon and entering the search term.

Add a Host Application

An Application can be added only if the Host has a domain name. Click Add Application, provide the Application details in the form that appears, and click Add Application to submit.

Edit a Host Application

Click the Edit pencil_icon.png icon in the Application's row that you want to edit. Then, change the Application details in the form that appears and click Update Application to submit.

Delete a Host Application

Click the delete trash_icon.png icon in the Application's row that you want to delete. Then, click Delete in the confirmation popup.

IP Services Tab

The IP Services tab lists the IP Services configured for the selected Host It also allows you to add a new IP Service and search for IP Services in the list For more information on Host IP Services, refer to About Host IP Services The list includes the following for each of the Host's IP Services:

  • IP Service Name.

  • Service Type (protocols and ports).

  • The Description is shown if present.

  • Edit pencil_icon.png icon.

  • Delete trash_icon.png icon.

Actions available from the IP Services Tab

The actions that can be taken from the IP Services tab are listed below.

Sort the Host IP Services list

You can sort the table of IP Services on the Name by hovering over the Name column heading and clicking on the arrow that appears.

Search the Host IP Service list

You can search by clicking the search search_icon.png icon and entering the search term.

Add a Host IP Service

Click Add IP Service, provide the IP Service's details in the form that appears, and click Add IP Service to submit.

Edit a Host IP Service

Click the Edit pencil_icon.png icon in the IP Service's row that you want to edit Then, change the IP Service details in the form that appears, and click Update IP Service to submit.

Delete a Host IP Service

Click the delete trash_icon.png icon in the IP Service's row that you want to delete. Then, click Delete in the confirmation popup.

Connectors Tab

The Connector's tab lists all Connectors of the selected Host. It also allows you to add a new Connector, deploy an existing Connector, and search the list. For more information on Host Connectors, refer to About Host Connectors. The list includes the following for each of the Host's Connectors:

  • Connection Status: Offline or Online

  • The Connector's Name.

  • The Region that the Connector will set up a tunnel to.

  • The assigned Tunnel IP Address.

  • The Description is shown if present.

  • The Deploy deploy_icon.png button with a drop-down menu.

  • Edit pencil_icon.png icon.

  • The vertical_dots_icon.png

Actions available from the Connectors Tab

The actions that can be taken from the Connectors tab are listed below.

Sort the Host Connectors list

You can sort the table of Connectors on the Name by hovering over the Name column heading and clicking on the arrow that appears.

Search the Host Connectors list

You can search by clicking the search search_icon.png icon and entering the search term.

Add a Host Connector

Click Add Connector, provide the Connector's details in the form that appears, and click Add Connector to submit.

Edit a Host Connector

Click the Edit pencil_icon.png icon in the Connector's row that you want to edit. Then, change the Connector's details in the form that appears, and click Update Connector to submit.

Revoke Host Connector's Profile Certificate

Click the vertical_dots_icon.png icon in the Connector's row whose profile certificate you want to revoke. Then, click Revoke Profile Certificate from the drop-down and click Revoke in the confirmation popup. The certificate for this Connector's connection profile will be revoked, and a new connection profile will be generated instead. You will need to re-import the profile for the Connector.

Delete a Host Connector

Click the vertical_dots_icon.png icon in the Connector's row you want to delete. Then, click Delete from the drop-down and click Delete in the confirmation popup. The Connector will be deleted from the configuration, and the certificate for this Connector's connection profile will be revoked.

Deploy a Host Connector

Click the Deploy deploy_icon.png button for the Connector you want to deploy and select Deploy Connector from the drop-down menu. For further steps, refer to Deploy a Network OpenVPN Connector for a configured Network.

Download the connection profile in .ovpn format for a Host Connector

Click the Deploy deploy_icon.png button for the Connector you want to deploy and select Download Profile in .ovpn format from the drop-down menu. The connection profile will be downloaded and saved in the web browser's default download directory. For further steps, refer to Download a Host Connector's connection profile as a .ovpn file.

Copy .ovpn Profile Token for a Host Connector

Click the Deploy deploy_icon.png button for the Connector you want to deploy and select Copy .ovpn Profile Token from the drop-down menu. Click Copy to copy the token to your clipboard. Later, paste it into your terminal to use with the openvpn-connector-setup command needed to setup the Connector on Linux OS. For further steps, refer to Get a Host Connector's connection profile token.

Edit Host Details

You can edit the Host details directly from the Host list, as shown in List, search, edit, and delete Host Applications, or by clicking on the hyperlinked Name from the list and then clicking Edit Host Details from the Host detailed view.

Delete a Host

Click the trash_icon.png icon from the Host detailed view. Then, click Delete in the confirmation dialog.


When a Host is deleted, all the associated Connectors, Applications, and IP Services are also deleted. The associated Connector's connection profile is revoked. Access Groups associated with the Host are updated.

Tutorial showing the detailed view for a specific Host and all the possible actions