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Change the internet access for a Host


The Internet Access setting allows you to either completely restrict internet access, tunnel all internet traffic to CloudConnexa, or let the internet traffic exit directly to the internet for a given Host.

The Internet Access setting allows you to either completely restrict internet access, tunnel all internet traffic to CloudConnexa, or let the internet traffic exit directly to the internet for a given Host.


Any internet destinations (domain names or IP subnets) configured as Applications or IP Services are considered 'trusted internet traffic' and will always be tunneled to CloudConnexa instead of treated as regular internet traffic.

Internet Access for a Host can be set as:

  • Split Tunnel On (Level-1 Security): Private and trusted internet traffic is tunneled; all other internet traffic uses local internet.

  • Split Tunnel Off (Level-2 Security): All traffic is tunneled; Internet traffic exits from selected Internet Gateways

  • Restricted Internet (Level-3 Security): Private and trusted internet traffic is tunneled; all other internet traffic is blocked.

Refer to Tutorial: Learn About the Levels of Security Afforded by the Use of Various Internet Access Options, for more information on the security levels. When Split Tunnel is OFF, all internet traffic arrives at the WPC. The WPC needs a connected network to act as an Internet Gateway. The Network set as an Internet Gateway indicates to the WPC that traffic destined for the Internet can be routed to that network. Refer to Make a Network act as an Internet Gateway.

There are two ways you can change the Internet Access setting for a Host:

  1. Change the Internet Access setting by navigating to Access > Internet. Refer to Change internet access for User Groups, Networks, and Hosts.

  2. Change the Internet Access setting by navigating to Hosts > Hosts. Refer to Edit Host Details.


You will receive a warning if you try to set Internet Access to Split Tunnel Off, and none of the Networks configured as Internet Gateways are online.

Tutorial showing the two ways to change the internet access for a Host