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Add an IP Service to a Network


You can add an IP service to a Network from the IP Services tab shown in the detailed Network view, or you can add it from the IP Services list view as shown here.

An IP service can be added to a Network while configuring the new Network. IP Services can be defined only for IP address ranges that are present in the Route of the Network. For more information, refer to About Network Routes and IP Services.

You would want to configure IP Services to:

  • Designate an IP address range as a source of traffic to be used later in Access Groups.

  • Restrict the protocols that will be used to access the service.

  • Define who can access the IP service using Access Groups.

  • Easily identify the traffic destined to the IP service by using a named IP Service when viewing statistics in Access Visibility.

You can add an IP service to an existing Network from the IP Services tab shown in the detailed view as shown in View, make changes, and delete a Network, or you can add it from the IP Services list as shown below:

  1. Navigate to Networks > IP Services.

  2. Click Add IP Service.

  3. Provide a Name for the IP Service.

  4. Add an optional Description.

  5. Select a Network from the drop-down list.

  6. Change All for Service Type (Network protocols) to select specific application protocols to permit while restricting all others.

  7. Toggle Use as Source if you want to use the IP address or subnets you will provide as a traffic source and as a traffic destination. For example, if the IP service is a software update application, and you want to restrict which destination subnets that software update application can communicate with using Access Groups.

  8. Add one or more IP Addresses or Subnets that are already part of a configured Route.

  9. Click Add IP Service.

    The newly added IP Service will be listed.


Remember to use the newly created IP Service in Access Groups. Refer to Add an Access Group to allow access.

View who is accessing this IP Service using Access Visibility. Refer to Find the Number of Blocked and Allowed Access Events From a Traffic Source to a Destination.