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Find the Number of Blocked and Allowed Access Events From a Traffic Source to a Destination


Use Access Visibility to find the Number of Blocked and Allowed Access Events From a Traffic Source to a Destination by following this documented procedure.

Follow the steps below to find the number of access events for a specific Traffic Source to a particular Traffic Destination. Refer to Access Visibility Terms.

  1. Check that Access Visibility is enabled. If not, use the toggle beside the Access Visibility heading to turn the feature ON.

  2. Select the applicable time range.

  3. Optionally, use the Destination Filter to narrow the choices of Traffic Sources. Refer to Access Visibility Filters.

  4. Click on a card displayed to select a Traffic Source from one of the three tabs: User Groups, Networks, or Hosts. You can also use the filter in each tab to narrow the choices further.

  5. The next screen lists the Traffic Destinations for the Traffic Source you selected earlier. You can use the source and destination filters to narrow your choices further.

  6. The various Traffic Destination cards show the counts of Allowed and Blocked Access Events for the selected Traffic Source and those Traffic Destinations.

Tutorial showing the use of filters to check Access Events