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View Access Details Including Time of Access


Use these steps to see more details of access event counts between traffic sources and destinations.

Follow the steps below for more details on access event counts between traffic sources and destinations. The shown details provide information on the communicating endpoints and the traffic flow between them, such as user and device identity, protocol, port, IP addresses, access event counts, and amount of data transferred.

  1. Follow the steps in Find the Number of Blocked and Allowed Access Events From a Traffic Source to a Destination.

  2. Click on a Traffic Destination card representing the Access Events you want further details on.

  3. An expandable list showing the details of the traffic flows that led to those aggregate Access Event counts is displayed.

  4. Expanding any of those results shows a chart displaying the day and time those Access Events were created.

  5. If the destination is not a configured Application or IP Service, a button called Add IP Service will appear above the chart in the top right corner.

  6. Click Add IP Service to configure an IP Service with the protocol and destination IP address recorded for that access traffic flow if you intend to use the IP Service in Access Groups or Filters later.

Tutorial showing how to get access event counts and details between selected source and destination