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Set the Internet Access method for a User


A user inherits the internet access setting from the User Group. A User Group Internet Access setting can be changed from the Access section or the User Group section.

A user inherits the internet access setting from the User Group. A User Group Internet Access setting can be changed from the Access > Internet section or the Users > Groups section. Refer to Change internet access for User Groups, Networks, and Hosts for the steps to change the setting from Access. To learn more about Internet Access, refer to About Internet Access configuration.

The Internet Access setting allows you to either completely restrict internet access, tunnel all internet traffic to CloudConnexa, or let the internet traffic exit directly to the internet for a given User Group, Network, or Hosts.

To change the Internet Access setting while creating a new User Group, refer to Add a User Group

To change the Internet Access setting for an exisiting User Group, refer to Edit a User Group