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Video: Add a User Group


This video shows adding a User Group and configuring the related settings.

This video shows adding a User Group and configuring the related settings.

Date published:


Functionality covered:

Limiting the Regions that a user can connect to and the number of devices that a user can use; configuring the user's authentication and internet access mode.


The video explains the settings associated with a User Group, such as Internet Access, Connect Auth, and Max devices per user while creating a new User Group.



Video Transcript

User groups provide a way to differentiate between sets of users that require different configuration. All new users are initially added to an existing user group called Default. So a user group basically allows a set of users to share common settings regarding allowable regions, authentication requirements, device limits, internet traffic routing, and the access needs.

Some of the common examples of user groups can be department based access control with user groups such as accounting, tech support, and sales. We can constrain the set of available regions for connection with the specific user group. Another example is gonna be differentiating based on the type of the internet access, authentication type, and the maximum number of devices allowed per user.

So in this video, we're looking how to configure or set up a user group. I'm logged into my CloudConnexa admin user interface. I'm gonna expand users and then click on groups. We're gonna click on add group on the upper right corner. So here we need to give a, a name to the group. I'm gonna call this one accounting. And then here we can choose the region for this user group. If you wanna leave it as all region, we can do this. That's a default, but if we wanna make sure that this group of users, they just connect through a specific region, then we can come here and choose any of the regions that we need to.

Then the option is internet access. As you can see, we have three options: Split tunnel ON, split tunnel OFF, and restricted internet access or restricted internet. So when the split tunnel is ON basically private and trusted internet traffic is tunneled through WPC. All other internet traffic uses local internet. So when you select the second option, split tunnel off, basically all traffic is tunneled through WPC. Now, when we talk about restricted internet our last option private and trusted internet traffic is going through WPC,all other internet traffic are gonna be blocked. For the purpose of this video, I'm just gonna leave this split tunnel on.

Then the next field is Connect Auth. This term is used to configure the authentication policy during WPC connection attempts for users. There are three types of policies for authenticating WPC connection attempts. Just keep in mind that even though all WPC connection attempts are authenticated based on the digital certificate included in the profile, the Connect Auth configuration basically determines whenand whether the user is prompted for account credentials. If you select no, basically the user won't be promptedfor credentials during a WPC connection attempt. If you choose on a prior auth timeout, the user won't be prompted for credentials for the next 24 hours following a successfully authenticated WPC connection. And then 'every time' is basically the user will be promptedfor credentials on every WPC connection attempts. So you can select the option that is appropriate for your environment. And then we go to the next field which is maximum devices per user. Now we can set up this per user group,or you can do it system wide here. We're gonna set it up per user group. So, default is three devices per user. You may wanna decrease this numberor increase this number based on your requirements. For the purpose of this video, I'm just gonna change to two. So I'm just gonna allow two devices per user for users that belong to Accounting Group. Once we're done, we're gonna click on 'ADD group'. So this is how we create a user group in CloudConnexa. Thank you.