How to launch OpenVPN Access Server on VMWare

Our IT Operations Engineer, Justin Leber, walks you through launching OpenVPN Access Server on VMware. Follow this simple tutorial to setup a Virtual Hard Disk with an Ubuntu image and you can configure your VPN in minutes.

In this tutorial

This tutorial guides you through setting up OpenVPN Access Server using VMWare’s virtualization.

In this tutorial:

  1. Download the OVA appliance file from our website.
  2. Login to VMWare dashboard.
  3. Create or register a new VM from the downloaded OVA file.
  4. Deploy your new VM, then open a terminal or remote console.
  5. Login as root, close the initial setup wizard, and set up a static IP address using netplan.
  6. Re-launch the Access Server configuration by running the utility, ovpn-init.
  7. After configuration completes, you’ll receive URLs for the Admin and client UIs.
  8. Set a password for the bootstrap user, openvpn, to access the Admin UI.
  9. Login to the Admin UI in your web browser and you’re ready to start adding users, configuring routes, and more.

Further Resources:

Access Server Product Features


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