How to add authorized users to the vpn
Initially, the Access Server virtual appliance uses PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) to authenticate VPN client users. This means that a VPN user must have a valid account (username and password) on the virtual Linux appliance. To add a user account to the appliance, use the Linux shell:
- At the appliance Welcome screen (with blue background), select the "Login" option from the menu at the bottom of the screen.
- Log in to the Linux shell with the username "root" and the current root password.
- Use the "useradd" command to create the new account. E.g., for a new username of "thelonious", enter the following command at the shell prompt ("#):
useradd thelonious
- Set the password for the new user account using the "passwd" shell command:
passwd thelonious
- You are then prompted to enter a password twice (for confirmation):
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
- Enter "exit" to leave the Linux shell and return to the Welcome screen.
Alternatively, if your virtual appliance is running on a Windows host (e.g., using VMware Player) and your Windows system uses Active Directory, you can configure the Access Server to use LDAP authentication with the Access Server. See the "Help" page in the "LDAP" page of the Access Server Admin Web UI for more information.