OpenVPN-GUI reinstall to different path breaks it
I installed openvpn to a wrong folder, then I reinstalled and installed it to the correct folder. Now I'm getting:
CreateProcess failed, exe=’D:\Lukas\Apps\personalVPN\bin\openvpn.exe’ cmdline=’openvpn—version’ dir=’D:\Lukas\Apps\personalVPN\bin’
How can that be fixed?
This happens because OpenVPN-GUI adds it's registry keys when it launches the first time (as an administrator) but never ever validates or changes them again. Basically OpenVPN-GUI is looking for openvpn.exe from the old location and gets confused. In the upcoming 2.4 releases this problem will be fixed, as openvpn-gui has it's own installer which should do a pretty good job at automatically sorting out this kind of problems.
For now you can fix this by either removing OpenVPN-GUI's registry keys (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\OpenVPN-GUI) and running OpenVPN-GUI (as an admin), or by changing the value of the registry key which tells OpenVPN-GUI where to look for openvpn.exe.