How to change the ip address and other network settings of the access server appliance
Using the Appliance Management web interface:
Log in to the Appliance Management web interface using the URL:
Then click on the "Network Tab" and then on "Address". Enter the new network properties.
Using the appliance Welcome screen:
At the Welcome screen (with blue background), select "Config Network". Enter the new network properties.
Advanced users may also edit the VMware appliance configuration directly (consult the VMware documentation for how to do so). It is stored in the OpenVPN-AS-Appliance.vmx file that you selected to start the virtual appliance.
Note: In order for network settings changes to take effect, the virtual appliance must be rebooted (see the FAQ section concerning shutdown/reboot). Also, to ensure that Access Server clients can find the access server, log in to the Access Server Admin Web UI, go to the "Server Network Settings" page, and edit the "Hostname or IP Address" field to refer to the new appliance IP address.