Locations of CloudConnexa Regions
List of locations where CloudConnexa has its Regions or Points of Presence
A Region is the geographic area that serves as a CloudConnexa Point of Presence (PoP). CloudConnexa maintains a group of high-performance multi-tenant servers in each Region, which consists of multiple data centers running these servers. All CloudConnexa Regions are connected in a full-mesh topology to form a high-bandwidth core network.
Devices, Networks, and Hosts must connect to a Region to join your WPC. CloudConnexa Regions span the world, and it is best to choose one geographically closest to your connection endpoint.
IPv6 Support
CloudConnexa Regions now support IPv6, so there's no need for dual-stack devices or workarounds. Dual-stack and IPv6-only devices using OpenVPN tunnel to any CloudConnexa Region will use IPv6 for transport, with no fallback to IPv4 and no configuration changes required.
Map of CloudConnexa Regions

List of Regions in the USA
State | City | Hostname |
CA | Los Angeles | us-lax.gw.openvpn.com |
CA | San Jose | us-sfo.gw.openvpn.com |
FL | Miami | us-mia.gw.openvpn.com |
GA | Atlanta | us-atl.gw.openvpn.com |
IL | Chicago | us-ord.gw.openvpn.com |
MA | Boston | us-bos.gw.openvpn.com |
MO | Kansas City | us-mci.gw.openvpn.com |
NJ | Newark | us-ewr.gw.openvpn.com |
OH | Columbus | us-cmh.gw.openvpn.com |
OR | Portland | us-pdx.gw.openvpn.com |
TX | Dallas | us-dfw.gw.openvpn.com |
VA | Ashburn | us-iad.gw.openvpn.com |
WA | Seattle | us-sea.gw.openvpn.com |
List of Regions in Canada
Montreal (ca-yul.gw.openvpn.com)
Toronto (ca-yyz.gw.openvpn.com)
Vancouver (ca-yvr.gw.openvpn.com)
List of Regions in Europe
Country | City | Hostname |
Belgium | Brussels | be-bru.gw.openvpn.com |
England | London | gb-lhr.gw.openvpn.com |
Finland | Helsinki | fi-hel.gw.openvpn.com |
France | Paris | fr-cdg.gw.openvpn.com |
Germany | Frankfurt | de-fra.gw.openvpn.com |
Italy | Milan | it-mxp.gw.openvpn.com |
Netherlands | Amsterdam | nl-ams.gw.openvpn.com |
Poland | Warsaw | pl-waw.gw.openvpn.com |
Republic of Ireland | Dublin | ie-dub.gw.openvpn.com |
Spain | Madrid | es-mad.gw.openvpn.com |
Sweden | Stockholm | se-arn.gw.openvpn.com |
Switzerland | Zürich | ch-zrh.gw.openvpn.com |
List of Regions in the Asia Pacific
Country | City | Hostname |
Australia | Sydney | au-syd.gw.openvpn.com |
India | Mumbai | in-bom.gw.openvpn.com |
Japan | Tokyo | jp-hnd.gw.openvpn.com |
Republic of Singapore | Singapore | sg-sin.gw.openvpn.com |
The Region in the Middle East
Tel Aviv, Israel (il-tlv.gw.openvpn.com)
The Region in Africa
Johannesburg, South Africa (za-jnb.gw.openvpn.com)
The Region in South America
São Paulo, Brazil (br-gru.gw.openvpn.com)