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Set the default connection authentication (Connect Auth) policy for Users


The default “Connect Auth“ parameter value is used for newly created User Groups. While all connection attempts are authenticated based on the digital certificate that is part of the Profile, the “Connect Auth“ configuration determines if and when the user is prompted for account credentials.

The default Connect Auth parameter value is used for newly created User Groups. While all connection attempts are authenticated based on the digital certificate that is part of the Profile, the Connect Auth configuration determines if and when the user is prompted for account credentials.


The Connect Auth policy applies only to connections from the User's devices and not to Connectors.

The default Connect Auth value is set to On prior auth timeout, meaning the user will not be prompted for credentials during the 12 hours following a successfully authenticated connection. If you want to change this value, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Users.

  2. Click Edit, which is located in the top right corner.

  3. Select one of the other options for Connect Auth. Selecting No would mean the user will not be prompted for credentials during a connection attempt. Selecting Every time would mean the user would be prompted for credentials during every connection attempt.

  4. Click Update.

  5. Check that the details shown in the confirmation dialog box are correct, and click Confirm.


The setting here is to set the value for Connect Auth when new User Groups are created. If User Groups existed before this setting was changed, you would need to edit the settings for those User Groups.

Tutorial showing how to change the connection timeout value