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Deploy a Network OpenVPN Connector for a configured Network


Deploy an OpenVPN Network Connector after adding a Network using the Network Connectors list.

A Connector can be deployed for a Network while configuring the new Network using the wizard. Refer to About Networks.

You can deploy an OpenVPN Connector for an existing Network from the Connectors tab shown in the detailed view as shown in View, make changes, and delete a Network, or you can deploy it from the Connectors list as shown below:

  1. Navigate to Networks > Connectors.

  2. Click the Deploy deploy_icon.png button for the Connector you want to deploy from the list.

  3. Select Deploy Connector from the drop-down menu.

  4. Select the Operating System, VPS provider, Router, or IaaS provider where you will install the Connector from the Provider Type drop-down menu. Refer to About Connectors and About Network Connectors.

  5. Follow the displayed steps to install the Connector.

  6. Click Next to move to the next step.

  7. A test is run to check if the Connector is online. Click Finish if it passes. If it fails, click Back to Instructions to see the installation steps or click Proceed Without Testing to continue with the configuration.

Connector installation guides