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Block access to specific domain names with a Block List


The Block List enables you to block a defined list of domains, which results in a custom domain filtering category.

The Block List enables you to block a defined list of domains, which results in a custom domain filtering category.

You can add domains to the Block List individually or in batch using a text (.txt) file. Just as you can disable (turn OFF) the blocking provided by a preset domain filtering category, you can disable the Block List.


If you are using both Allow List and Block List, refer to Interaction between Block and Allow Lists

Type in domain names to block

To type in one or more domain names in the Block List, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Shield > Configuration.

  2. Click Block List in the section navigation that appears to the right.

  3. Type each domain name on a separate line. Error warnings appear if the entered domain is duplicated or matched to an entry in the Allow List.


    The maximum list size is 1000, the maximum domain length is 253 characters, and only ASCII characters are allowed consisting of characters a through z, A through Z, digits 0 through 9, dot (.), and hyphen (-).

  4. Click Update.

Add a comment in the Block List

Comments help annotate the domain name that was added to the list. To add comments to the Block List, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Shield > Configuration.

  2. Click Block List in the section navigation that appears to the right.

  3. Type your comment on a new line and start it with '#' or use CTRL+/ (⌘+/).

  4. Click Update.

Upload a list of domain names to block

If you have an extensive list of domain names to add, you can upload a file instead of typing them in manually. To upload the list of domains, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Shield > Configuration.

  2. Click Block List in the section navigation that appears to the right.

  3. Click Upload List


    The entries in the uploaded file overwrite any existing entries.


    The maximum list size is 1000, the maximum domain length is 253 characters, and only ASCII characters are allowed consisting of characters a through z, A through Z, digits 0 through 9, dot (.), and hyphen (-). The maximum file size is 300Kb, and only the .txt file type is accepted.

  4. The file navigator will appear, and you must select the file to upload. Select the file containing the list.

  5. The uploaded file's domain names will appear in the Block List. Any errors will be displayed.

  6. Click Update.

Search the Block List

To search entries in the Block List, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Shield > Configuration.

  2. Click Block List in the section navigation that appears to the right.

  3. Click in the list entry box and type CTRL+F (⌘+F).

  4. A search bar will appear at the top of the list entry box. Enter your search keyword.

  5. The matching entries in the list will be highlighted.

Download the list of domains in the Block List

To save the entered list of domain names and comments in a file, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Shield > Configuration.

  2. Click Block List in the section navigation that appears to the right.

  3. Click Download List.

  4. The Block List entries will be saved as a text file in your browser's default download directory.

Turn the Block list ON or OFF

The Block List can be made ineffective by turning it OFF and activated by turning it ON.

  1. Navigate to Shield > Configuration.

  2. Click Block List in the section navigation that appears to the right.

  3. Toggle the Enable block list switch to turn blocking ON or OFF.

Interaction between Block and Allow Lists