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About Users and User Roles


A CloudConnexa User is an entity that represents a person who can connect to your WPC. In most cases, examples of Users will be employees, contractors, and other third parties that need access to WPC.

A CloudConnexa User is an entity that represents a person who can connect to your WPC. In most cases, examples of Users will be employees, contractors, and other third parties that need access to WPC. Such a User would use the OpenVPN Connect Client or any OpenVPN protocol-compliant client on desktop and mobile Devices to connect to any of the CloudConnexa Regions to access WPC resources.

Users belong to User Groups , with settings that apply to all members. User Groups are used in Access Groups to restrict user access to only authorized Applications and IP Services.

A User is associated with a Role: Owner, Member, and Administrator.

An Owner is a role assigned automatically to the User who has the right to administer and configure all aspects of the WPC. The Owner is the person whose identity is associated with the email used to sign up for the CloudConnexa service. Only an Owner can manage the billing and subscription aspects of the service.

The Administrator role has the same privileges as the account Owner except those listed below:

  • Subscription management: Changing the number of subscribed connections.

  • Billing management: Changing the payment options and other billing details

  • Account management: Changing or deleting the Owner's account.

For more information on the Administrator role, refer to Administrator Documentation.

The Member role has no special administrative privileges and is meant for Users who just use the service as configured. For more information, refer to User Documentation. A user can be elevated from the Member role to be an Administrator. Refer to Change the Role of a User to Administrator.

Users need to be provisioned either by using the Adminstration Portal or via the API when CloudConnexa is used for authentication. Refer to Set CloudConnexa (Username/Password) authentication for Users. Users are created automatically when authentication is set to either SAML or LDAP.