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Tutorial: Set a Static IP Address for a User Through a Group Subnet


Set up a unique subnet using a group IP address network and Access Server will then have a subnet it can use for static IP address assignment.


This tutorial shows how to set up static IP address assignments for Access Server users through a group assignment. Alternatively, you can use a global static IP address network to assign a static IP address to a user.

Refer to this tutorial to set up a group dynamic IP address assignment.

Default Client Address Assignment

Access Server works with Layer 3 routing mode by default. In this mode, VPN clients are assigned addresses from a private subnet, which is different from other subnets used in your networks.

Access Server automatically assigns dynamic IP addresses to clients when they connect. This is usually done in sequential order until it reaches the end of the subnet portion available to the OpenVPN daemon the client connects with, at which point it starts reusing older addresses.

This behavior is similar to DHCP, but Access Server doesn't technically run a DHCP server. It's more like a rough emulation of assigning addresses automatically.

To find the subnet for VPN clients:

  1. Sign in to the Admin Web UI.

  2. Click Configuration > VPN Settings.

    • The IP address and netmask bits are displayed under Dynamic IP Address Network.


If you're configuring static IP address assignments for Access Server in layer 2 mode, you must set the IP address on the client system's virtual network adapter. (We no longer recommend or offer support for using Access Server in layer 2 mode.)


We use example IPv4 addresses and subnets reserved for documentation in our examples, such as,, and

Replace them with valid IPv4 addresses and subnets for your network(s).

  1. Sign in to the Admin Web UI.

  2. Click User Management > Group Permission.

  3. Click More Settings for the group to assign the subnet.

    • Additional group settings display.

  4. Enter the subnet for the static IP address network in Subnets assigned to this group (optional) under VPN IP Addresses.



Each subnet's first and last IP address in Access Server is reserved. Suppose you specify the subnet You should ensure you don't assign or to VPN clients.

We don't support public IP address subnets here. Access Server operates in a private network because it's a virtual private network solution. It's possible to force public IP addresses into Access Server's configuration, but we don't support that solution.


If helpful, you can refer to our subnet mask cheat sheet.

  1. Click User Management > User Permissions.

  2. Click More Settings for the user to assign the static IP address.

    • Additional user settings display.

  3. Under IP Addressing click Use Static.

  4. Enter the static IP address into the VPN Static IP Address field.



    Ensure the IP address falls within the static IP address network you previously defined.

    • Access Server now assigns the static IP address to your user when they connect.

Finally, ensure the user is in the group you assigned the subnet:

  1. Click the Group drop-down for the user.

  2. Select the group from step 1.
