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Static IP Address

Static IP address for Access Server

Access Server requires a static IP address. If you don't have one assigned to your server, clients may connect to your server's dynamic IP address, but when it changes, no longer connect.

The server's IP address identifies it to the rest of the internet. Access Server provides a VPN server that should use a static IP address to enable remote access for your workforce, among other use cases. A static IP address stays the same over time, giving your clients a consistent address for connecting.


We recommend setting up a custom hostname that points to your server's static IP address. It's easier to use and remember a hostname than an IP address.

If you launch Access Server on a cloud provider, ensure it's assigned a static IP address. This may require an additional step, such as attaching an Elastic IP Address in AWS.

Static IP addresses for VPN clients

Default Client Address Assignment

Access Server works with Layer 3 routing mode by default. In this mode, VPN clients are assigned addresses from a private subnet, which is different from other subnets used in your networks.

Access Server automatically assigns dynamic IP addresses to clients when they connect. This is usually done in sequential order until it reaches the end of the subnet portion available to the OpenVPN daemon the client connects with, at which point it starts reusing older addresses.

This behavior is similar to DHCP, but Access Server doesn't technically run a DHCP server. It's more like a rough emulation of assigning addresses automatically.

To find the subnet for VPN clients:

  1. Sign in to the Admin Web UI.

  2. Click Configuration > VPN Settings.

    • The IP address and netmask bits are displayed under Dynamic IP Address Network.