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View Cyber Shield event metrics for the last seven days


The Cyber Shield Overview page provides a convenient view of the Domain and Traffic Filtering activity for the past seven days in the form of a chart that displays the daily event volume.

The Cyber Shield Overview page provides a convenient view of the Domain and Traffic Filtering activity for the past seven days in the form of a chart that displays the daily event volume. To view and interact with the chart, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Shield > Overview.

  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, where you will find the Events for the Last 7 Days section.

  3. Above the graph are tabs labeled Observed Domains, Blocked Domains, Observed Traffic, and Blocked Traffic. Click the desired tab.

    The graph will display the daily number of events if the data exists. It will also show the minimum, average, and maximum daily events for the past seven days.

  4. Clicking on any of the displayed bars will take you to the corresponding Metrics section to drill down and see more data on the classification of those events. Refer to View content filtering metrics and View traffic filtering (IDS/IPS) metrics.

Tutorial showing the interaction with the metrics graph on the Cyber Shield Overview page