Tutorial: Configure the Authentication Failure Lockout Policy
Learn how to configure the authentication failure lockout policy in Access Server. This guide covers the Admin Web UI and command-line methods to manage lockout settings effectively.
Installed Access Server.
If you're configuring the policy using the Admin Web UI, you need Access Server 2.10.2 or newer.
Admin Web UI access or console access with root privileges.
For OpenVPN Access Server 2.10.2 and newer:
Sign in to the Admin Web UI.
Click Authentication > Settings.
Adjust settings under the Password Lockout Policy section as needed.
Connect to the console and get root privileges.
Switch to the scripts directory:
cd /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/
Use the following commands to configure the lockout policy:
Set the number of authentication failures (default is 5):
./sacli --key "vpn.server.lockout_policy.n_fails" --value <NUMBER> ConfigPut ./sacli start
Set the lockout duration (default is 900 seconds or 15 minutes):
./sacli --key "vpn.server.lockout_policy.reset_time" --value <SECONDS> ConfigPut ./sacli start
Set the maximum size of the lockout dictionary (default is 10000):
./sacli --key "vpn.server.lockout_policy.max_history" --value <BYTES> ConfigPut ./sacli start