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Get & Install Access Server on Linux | OpenVPN


Get Access Server on a compatible Linux OS and find the resources you need to get started. Plus, tips on how to begin.

We distribute Access Server via our software repository on a number of popular Linux distributions. Refer to system requirements for the compatible Linux operating systems.

Install the repository and Access Server


Before you begin: Ensure you know your Linux operating system so you can choose the correct instructions from our Access Server portal.

  1. Create a free OpenVPN account.

  2. Sign in to the Access Server portal.

  3. Click Get Access Server and select the platform for your server.

We provide quick start guides for all supported operating systems.


Refer to our system requirements to ensure your system works with Access Server.

Quick start guides

Ready to launch? Choose the quick start guide you need:

Video resources

If you prefer watching a video, refer to these:

Installation tips

The following help tips can help with your installation.

  • You need a supported Linux OS with root-level access. You can connect directly through the console or through an SSH session using a tool like PuTTY.

  • If you need to sign in as an unprivileged user, sudo up to gain root privileges.

  • Ensure your server has the correct time and date, which is required for certificate generation and verification and implementing multi-factor authentication.

  • To check the current time, date, and time zone on a Debian/Ubuntu system:

    apt update apt -y install tzdata dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
  • To check the current time, date, and time zone on a CentOS/Red Hat system:

    timedatectl --help
  • Ensure your server can access the internet. Some use cases require running Access Server in an environment without internet access—if you need this, contact support to help set you up with an offline license activation.

  • We recommend installing Access Server behind a firewall as part of a layered security approach. Forward ports TCP 443, TCP 943, TCP 945, and UDP 1194 from the public internet to the private address of Access Server behind the firewall.

  • Check DNS resolution works correctly. Test by pinging a domain, such as, to verify that the server resolves it to an IP address.

You must know the correct operating system to use the appropriate commands to add the repository and install Access Server.

Run these commands to find the necessary OS information:

cat /etc/issue
lsb_release -a
uname -a
  • You must download software packages separately.

  • Access Server comes in two packages: OpenVPN Connect client software bundle and Access Server.

  • The software also depends on various other packages to install successfully. On the Access Server portal, click on your Linux OS, then refer to Option 2: Manually download packages.

  • To activate your subscription or license, contact our support team.