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Is A Trial Version Available?


This FAQ explains how Access Server can be used as a trial version with two free connections.

Question: Is there a trial version available for Access Server?


Yes, OpenVPN Access Server offers several trial options across different licensing models, allowing you to test the software without initial licensing costs:

1. Self-hosted trial with no license key

  • Description: You can download and install Access Server on any compatible Linux operating system directly from our website. If you choose not to activate a license key during installation, the server will automatically permit two simultaneous VPN connections.

  • Limitations: This setup allows full functionality with no time limit but restricts you to two active VPN tunnels.

  • Extension: Upon request, we can provide a temporary trial subscription license for a larger number of connections if needed for your testing.

2. Amazon AWS deployment options

  • BYOL (bring your own license):

    • Setup: Known as "OpenVPN Access Server" on the AWS Marketplace, this option functions similarly to the self-hosted trial without activating a license key. You're responsible only for Amazon AWS costs associated with running the instance, with no additional software licensing fees.

  • AWS licensing:

    • Setup: These instances include software licensing costs in addition to AWS costs. Pricing details are displayed on the AWS Marketplace when you select a tiered instance. Costs are billed directly through Amazon AWS.

  • Special trial offer for 5 connected devices:

    • Setup: This instance type includes a 7-day free trial, during which you pay only for the AWS costs, not the software license. If you continue using the service after seven days, software licensing fees will apply.

3. Cost considerations

  • AWS and Other Cloud Providers: Please be aware that running any instance on Amazon AWS or other cloud providers incurs costs for using their systems, separate from any software licensing fees.

  • Continuous Costs: Even if you are not actively using a licensed AWS tiered instance, you will continue to incur costs as long as it remains running.