If I buy one software subscription license, can I use it on multiple servers?
That depends on what software license you have. Our software subscription license model allows you to activate on multiple Access Servers at the same time. They will share the subscription. In that situation, you only need one subscription for the Access Servers you want to license under this one subscription. If you still use the fixed license activation key model, once you activate the key on a single Access Server, it can no longer be activated on any others. Fixed license keys cannot be shared across multiple servers. You would need to purchase a separate fixed license key for each Access Server.
In the case of subscription, sharing allowed connections occurs in the following way: Each node can individually allow connections up to the full number allowed by the subscription. The total number of connected VPN clients on all Access Server nodes with the same subscription cannot exceed the allowed number. Should that occur, the subscription system will eventually lower the number of permitted VPN connections just enough to be back within limits.
To view the information about each Access Server activated with a specific subscription key, you can sign in to your account on our site. Click on the subscription name, then Access Server Information, and the servers and hostnames display. You may be able to update the hostname that displays there if you’d prefer. To do so, please refer to Subscription Model Licensing Configuration Options.