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Tutorial: Enable DCO for a Linux Connector


Data Channel Offload (DCO) improves the OpenVPN tunnel's performance by moving data packet processing from the OpenVPN userspace program to the kernel. You can enable DCO for your Linux Connector by following the steps below.

Data Channel Offload (DCO) improves the OpenVPN tunnel's performance by moving data packet processing from the OpenVPN userspace program to the kernel. You can enable DCO for your Linux Connector by following the steps below:


${CONFIGURATION_PROFILE_NAME} needs to be substituted with the configuration profile name (typically the filename used during the configuration profile import) in use. Use openvpn3 configs-list to display the list of configuration profiles. For more information on OpenVPN 3 commands, refer to Tutorial: Learn to Install and Control the OpenVPN 3 Client and the Community Wiki.

  1. Install the DCO kernel module for Ubuntu.

    sudo apt install kmod-ovpn-dco
  2. Disconnect the running OpenVPN tunnel.

    sudo openvpn3 session-manage -c ${CONFIGURATION_PROFILE_NAME} --disconnect
  3. Add DCO to the configuration profile.

    sudo openvpn3 config-manage --show --config ${CONFIGURATION_PROFILE_NAME} --dco true
  4. Start the tunnel with the DCO option.

    sudo openvpn3 session-start -c ${CONFIGURATION_PROFILE_NAME} --dco true