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Select Content Categories to block


You can configure the content categories to block using preset Protection Levels or by choosing the Custom Protection Level and selecting individual content categories to block.

You can configure the content categories to block using preset protection levels or by choosing the Custom Protection Level and selecting individual content categories to block. To learn more about the content categories, content category groups, and protection levels, refer to Domain Filtering Protection Levels and Content Categories

To choose the content categories to block, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Shield > Configuration.

  2. Click Categories in the section navigation that appears to the right under Domain Filtering.

  3. Select one of the four Protection Levels that block content categories: Basic Protection, Safe Browsing, High Productivity, or Custom.

    1. The resulting content categories that will be blocked appear in the Selected Categories section.

    2. When the Custom Protection Level is selected, you can search for and select specific content categories to block from the list in the Selected Categories section.

  4. Click Update.