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Switch to manual Profile distribution and create a User Device

Steps: Switch to manual Profile distribution

  1. Sign in to the CloudConnexa Administration portal at

  2. Access Settings > Users and click Edit.

  3. In the Profile Distribution section, select Manual.

  4. Click Update and then click Confirm.

Profile distribution is set to manual, which enables you to add Devices for your Users.


To enable Device Identity Verification & Enforcement (DIVE), read our User Guide.

Steps: Create a Device for a User

  1. Navigate to Users > Users and click the name of the user to edit.

  2. Click plus to add a Device.

  3. Enter the Device name and description and save your changes.

  4. Click to download the OpenVPN Profile and select the Region that the User belongs to.

  5. Send the downloaded .ovpn file to the User for their OpenVPN Connect application.


    You can revoke the Profile certificate or revoke the Device from the Device list.