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Domain Filtering Preset Modes

What is it?

Domain Filtering Preset Modes are an easy way to quickly configure the type of content to block using Cyber Shield Domain Filtering. Each mode blocks a preset selection of Category Groups. A Category Group consists of various related content categories. The three blocking preset modes are:

Basic: Adds blocking of websites in the Malicious content category group

Safe Browsing: Adds blocking of websites in the content category groups listed below to Basic protection.

Adult Content

Aggressive Content

Alcohol / Tobacco / Illegal Drugs

Hacking and Cracking

High Productivity: Adds blocking of content that may hinder your productivity and fall in the content category groups listed below to Safe Browsing.

Bandwidth Consuming

Gambling and Games

Time Stealer

Cyber Shield Domain Filtering also offers a Custom mode that allows granular selection of any category from any Category Group.

Who should use this?

The Owner or Admin can configure Domain Filtering using Preset Modes through the Admin Portal.

Show me how to configure it

To configure Cyber Shield Domain Filtering follow the steps in Configuring Cyber Shield Domain Filtering.

When should I make use of this?

Use Cyber Shield Domain Filtering Preset Modes when you would like to block DNS name resolution to specific content categories.