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Changing internet access for a User Group

Setting a Network as an Internet Gateway

Before proceeding, you must first set up a Network to act as an Internet Gateway.

One or more Networks can be set to act as an exit point for public internet traffic that enters your WPC. A Network set up as an Internet Gateway will be the destination the Cloud routes all internet traffic entering the WPC from other Hosts, Networks, and User Groups that have split tunneling OFF. In order to set up a Network as Internet Gateway, the Administrator needs to follow the steps below:

  1. Sign in to the CloudConnexa Administration portal at

  2. Navigate to Networks and click Networks.

  3. For the Network you wish to edit, click the edit icon (pencil) to set the Network as an Internet Gateway (egress).

  4. Toggle the Internet Gateway to On.


    You must deploy a connector to enable egress on this Network. If you need assistance, contact support. You may deploy the Connector at a later time.

  5. If you have not deployed a Connector, click Proceed Anyway.

  6. Select the User Group(s), Networks , and or Hosts that internet traffic needs to enter CloudConnexa and exit to the internet through this Network providing an Internet Gateway.

  7. Click Save.

In order to change a User Group’s internet access, such that internet traffic enters the WPC and exits from the Internet Gateway Network, you must follow these steps:

Change User Group Internet Access
  1. Navigate to Users.

  2. Click Groups.

  3. Click the edit icon (pencil) of the Group to update.

  4. Click the Internet Access drop-down menu.

  5. Select Split-Tunnel OFF.

  6. Click OK to Confirm Internet Access Update.

  7. Click Update.

  8. You have changed the User Group’s Internet Access. If multiple Networks are configured for Internet Egress, the egress Network that will be selected will be the one geographically closest to the Region that’s connected to the User’s Device.