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Tutorial: Reset Multi-Daemon Mode and Number of TCP/UDP Daemons


How to reset the multi-daemon mode in Access Server to default settings. This includes configuring the number of TCP and UDP daemons.


This tutorial guides you through resetting the multi-daemon mode in Access Server to its default settings. This involves configuring the number of TCP and UDP daemons to match the number of CPU cores on your system.

  • An installed Access Server.

  • Console access with root privileges.

  1. Connect to the console with root privileges.

  2. Run the commands below, which use the sacli GetNCores command to detect the number of CPU cores and set the number of TCP and UDP daemons accordingly.

    ./sacli --key "vpn.server.daemon.enable" --value "true" ConfigPut1
    ./sacli --key "vpn.daemon.0.listen.protocol" --value "tcp" ConfigPut2
    ./sacli --key "vpn.server.port_share.enable" --value "true" ConfigPut3
    ./sacli --key "vpn.server.daemon.tcp.n_daemons" --value "`./sacli GetNCores`" ConfigPut4
    ./sacli --key "vpn.server.daemon.udp.n_daemons" --value "`./sacli GetNCores`" ConfigPut5
    ./sacli start6


    Turns on multi-daemon mode.


    Sets the first daemon's protocol to TCP.


    Turns on port sharing for TCP.


    Sets the number of TCP daemons to match the number of CPU cores.


    Sets the number of UDP daemons to match the number of CPU cores.


    Restarts the Access Server service to apply changes.

    • You've now reset your Access Server to use multi-daemon mode, with the number of TCP and UDP daemons set according to your CPU cores. This setup helps optimize VPN connection performance and load balancing.