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Tutorial: Manually Download a Connection Profile Using a Token URL


Access Server provides administrators with a token URL feature, allowing you to give users an option to download connection profiles.


A new feature introduced with Access Server 2.11 is the token URL. It is a method of providing a connection profile to a user’s OpenVPN client. This document provides details and some use cases.

This tutorial describes downloading the profile without the openvpn://import-profile/ URL prefix. You can send such a URL to a user without sending username and password credentials. Opening the URL downloads the connection profile to the user’s device, and the user can import it into an OpenVPN client.

For more information, refer to the Token URL topic.

  • An installed Access Server.

  • Admin Web UI or CLI administrative access.

  1. Create the token URL on the Access Server using either the Admin Web UI or CLI.

  2. Copy the URL and remove the ‘openvpn://import-profile/’ prefix.

  3. Use the resulting ‘https://’ URL to download the profile like any normal file.

  4. Import the resulting .ovpn file into your VPN client.