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Tutorial: Managing iptables Settings in Access Server


Manage iptables settings for Access Server, an advanced option for changing the rule-prepending behavior, restoring default settings, and disabling specific iptables management activities.


This tutorial guides you through managing the iptables settings in Access Server. You'll learn to change the rule-prepending behavior, restore default settings, and disable specific iptables management activities if necessary.

  • An installed Access Server.

  • Console access with root privileges.

  • Basic knowledge of iptables and Linux command line.

  1. Connect to the console with root privileges.

  2. Use the desired commands below:

    • Change rule-prepending behavior to make Access Server append rules after existing ones (instead of prepending):

      ./sacli --key "iptables.append" --value "True" ConfigPut
      ./sacli start
    • Restore the default behavior of prepending rules:

      ./sacli --key "iptables.append" ConfigDel
      ./sacli start


We don't recommend turning off Access Server's iptables management unless you have the required knowledge to manage iptables manually.

Access Server manages three distinct iptables items: filter, NAT, and mangle.

  • Connected to the console in the scripts directory, run the desired commands:

    • Turn off iptables filter management:

      ./sacli --key "iptables.vpn.disable.filter" --value "True" ConfigPut
      ./sacli start
    • Restore the default filter management:

      ./sacli --key "iptables.vpn.disable.filter" ConfigDel
      ./sacli start
    • Turn off iptables NAT management:

      ./sacli --key "iptables.vpn.disable.nat" --value "True" ConfigPut
      ./sacli start
    • Restore the default NAT management:

      ./sacli --key "iptables.vpn.disable.nat" ConfigDel
      ./sacli start
    • Turn off iptables mangle management:

      ./sacli --key "iptables.vpn.disable.mangle" --value "True" ConfigPut
      ./sacli start
    • Restore the default mangle management:

      ./sacli --key "iptables.vpn.disable.mangle" ConfigDel
      ./sacli start