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Tutorial: Adjusting the Maximum Number of VPN Tunnels


You can increase or decrease the limit of VPN tunnels for Access Server by following these steps.


This tutorial will guide you through the steps to change the maximum number of active incoming VPN tunnels on your Access Server.


Changing this value will restart the OpenVPN daemons, disconnecting all current VPN clients. They will need to reestablish their connections, which should happen automatically.

  • An installed Access Server.

  • Console access with root privileges.

  1. Connect to the console with root privileges.

  2. Adjust the maximum number of VPN tunnels with this command:

    ./sacli --key "vpn.server.max_clients" --value <NUMBER>1 ConfigPut
    ./sacli start


    Replace <NUMBER> with the desired maximum number of connected VPN tunnels.

    • By default, this configuration key isn't present in Access Server, and the limit is assumed to be 2048.

    • You can set it to any valid number of your choice.