Creating Point-to-Site Networking with Access Server
Explore Access Server's secure remote access VPN for SMBs: tailor-made for remote and hybrid teams, ensuring safe and flexible connectivity.
With Access Server, you can easily create a secure point-to-site network. Each point is a VPN client or end-user securely connecting to the Access Server. Once connected, your end user can access business resources available on the virtual network or site.
Access Server allows you to manage access to the resources on your site through NAT or routing and at various access control levels. Plus more:
Balance traffic across a cluster of Access Servers with DNS round robin. Scale remote connections by configuring an Access Server cluster with distributed nodes located close to user groups.
Tunnel only your private traffic to optimize network bandwidth and reduce the load by not tunneling all traffic.
Grant different access levels to employee groups, partners, and contractors. Flexible access control lists ensure users and user groups can only access the resources they need.
Provide secure single sign-on with SAML, LDAP, RADIUS, MFA, and 3rd-party identity service integrations.
Spin up an Access Server instance on your virtual private cloud through available images on all popular cloud marketplaces.