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Command-line Interface Tools

Access Server is easily managed using the clean web interface, the Admin Web UI. Access Server also includes command-line tools that allow you to manage all of the Access Server VPN settings and perform more advanced functions that aren't available through the Admin Web UI.

Access Server has several command-line tools, but a good place to start is learning about the sacli tool:

Introduction to the command-line tools

Access Server's command-line tools are available in the /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/ directory. With these, you can configure Access Server from scratch, adjust server settings, or change properties set for users and groups. Certain advanced tasks can only be done from the server console and are not implemented in the Admin Web UI.

Using the command-line interface (CLI) requires Linux knowledge, such as signing on to the server (console or SSH), obtaining root privileges, and changing directories in the Linux OS.


We recommend you copy and paste to execute command-line tool commands where possible. Manually typing them may result in a slight difference, and the command prompt is not a forgiving environment.

Authentication before using the CLI

Much of the functionality for managing users and user permissions, as well as server configuration and other tasks, is contained in the sacli program. This program requires that you have root privileges. Therefore, all commands you find across our documentation assume that you are on the server's console or signed in via an SSH session to the server and that you can run commands with "sudo" or have obtained root privileges.