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OpenVPN Data Channel Offload: Unleashing Superior VPN Performance


Welcome to the future of VPN technology with OpenVPN Data Channel Offload in the linux kernel (ovpn-dco), available for Access Server.

OpenVPN Data Channel Offload (DCO) is a cutting-edge Linux kernel module designed to revolutionize the performance of VPN servers and clients. By implementing the data channel of the OpenVPN protocol directly within the Linux kernel, DCO enables high-speed data processing and efficient resource utilization.

Enhancing Access Server

With OpenVPN DCO, your Access Server reaches new heights of performance. By offloading data plane management to the Linux kernel, DCO leverages advanced Linux low-level APIs. This integration minimizes the costly and slow payload transfers between the kernel and user spaces, resulting in a significant boost in speed and efficiency for your VPN connections.

Explore More

  • OpenVPN DCO In-Depth: Dive deep into the technical specifications, benefits, and detailed documentation of OpenVPN DCO.

  • Turn On OpenVPN DCO: Follow this tutorial to help you enable and configure OpenVPN DCO on your Access Server for optimal performance.

  • ovpn-dco: Find the OpenVPN DCO repository on GitHub.