Installing Access Server on a Linux system


This page helps you find information about installing Access Server on a Linux system. For more details about Access Server, refer to our Access Server overview — Access Server gives you secure access to your private business network, in the cloud or on-premise.

Create an account

You need a free account on our website to install our self-hosted VPN solution, Access Server. Then, you can sign in to the Access Server portal. In the portal, you'll find installation instructions for all supported Linux operating systems.

You can also find install instructions to launch Access Server on cloud images or virtual appliances.

Prep your system

Ensure you have the following for your Linux system:

  • Root-level access to a supported Linux OS. (You can connect directly through the console or via an SSH session using a tool like PuTTY.)
  • The correct date and time for certificate generation and verification, and properly handling TOTP for 2FA.
  • Internet access.
  • Forwarding through your firewall for ports TCP 443, TCP 943, TCP 945, and UDP 1194.
  • Proper DNS resolution.

Tip: If you need to determine your Linux OS, run these commands:

cat /etc/issue
lsb_release -a
uname -a

Find installation resources

You can find links to documentation and the support center in the Access Server portal. Here are some specific guides you might find helpful in getting started:

Manual installation process

If you have a use case where you need to install Access Server on an air-gapped system, we can help. From the Access Server portal, you can choose the manual installation option and contact our support team when you're ready to activate your license key.

Unsupported operating systems

If we don't support your operating system version, don't force instructions for a newer operating system onto an outdated one. We recommend you upgrade your operating system or migrate your Access Server configuration to a more up-to-date installation.