Tutorial: Turn Off Encryption
You can turn off encryption on the OpenVPN tunnel while retaining the encapsulation and routing capabilities.
This tutorial describes the steps for a narrow use case of turning off encryption between Access Server and VPN clients.
We don't officially recommend or support turning off encryption. Following these steps effectively turns off all encryption and data protection. You should only proceed if you use it when the consequences are known and acceptable, such as on a trusted network where you want OpenVPN tunneling capabilities without the encryption overhead or where the data is encrypted via another means when it's transported.
This tutorial assumes the following:
You have a running Access Server that you can manage from the command-line interface (CLI).
Your Access Server and clients are running on a trusted, private network.
OpenVPN 2 clients.
Turning off encryption isn't supported at this time with OpenVPN Connect v3.
Connect to your console with root privileges.
Change to the directory to use the sacli tool to run the necessary commands:
cd /usr/local/openvpn_as/scripts/
Set the ciphers to none:
./sacli --key "vpn.server.data_ciphers" --value "none" ConfigPut ./sacli --key "vpn.server.cipher" --value "none" ConfigPut ./sacli --key "vpn.client.cipher" --value "none" ConfigPut
Run these commands:
./sacli --key "vpn.server.config_text" --value "auth none" ConfigPut ./sacli --key "vpn.client.config_text" --value "auth none\ndata-ciphers none" ConfigPut
Restart the service:
service openvpnas restart
With these changes applied, any new connection profile generated by Access Server and loaded into an OpenVPN client should result in an unencrypted connection. You can verify this by checking Access Server's log file.
Here is a sample that shows a client connection that uses no encryption:
2024-03-18T13:04:31+0000 [stdout#info] [OVPN 1] OUT: "2024-03-18 13:04:31 PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REQUEST'" 2024-03-18T13:04:31+0000 [stdout#info] [OVPN 1] OUT: '2024-03-18 13:04:31 user/ MULTI: Learn: -> user/' 2024-03-18T13:04:31+0000 [stdout#info] [OVPN 1] OUT: '2024-03-18 13:04:31 user/ MULTI: primary virtual IP for user/' 2024-03-18T13:04:31+0000 [stdout#info] [OVPN 1] OUT: "2024-03-18 13:04:31 user/ ******* WARNING *******: '--cipher none' was specified. This means NO encryption will be performed and tunnelled data WILL be transmitted in clear text over the network! PLEASE DO RECONSIDER THIS SETTING!" 2024-03-18T13:04:31+0000 [stdout#info] [OVPN 1] OUT: "2024-03-18 13:04:31 user/ ******* WARNING *******: '--auth none' was specified. This means no authentication will be performed on received packets, meaning you CANNOT trust that the data received by the remote side have NOT been manipulated. PLEASE DO RECONSIDER THIS SETTING!" 2024-03-18T13:04:31+0000 [stdout#info] [OVPN 1] OUT: '2024-03-18 13:04:31 user/ WARNING: cipher with small block size in use, reducing reneg-bytes to 64MB to mitigate SWEET32 attacks.' 2024-03-18T13:04:31+0000 [stdout#info] [OVPN 1] OUT: "2024-03-18 13:04:31 user/ SENT CONTROL [user]: 'PUSH_REPLY,explicit-exit-notify,topology subnet,route-delay 5 30,dhcp-pre-release,dhcp-renew,dhcp-release,route-metric 101,ping 12,ping-restart 50,redirect-gateway def1,redirect-gateway bypass-dhcp,redirect-gateway autolocal,route-gateway,dns server 10 address,dns server 11 address,dns server 12 address,dns server 13 address,dns server 14 address,dns server 15 address,dhcp-option NBT 1,register-dns,block-ipv6,ifconfig,peer-id 0,auth-tokenSESS_ID,cipher none,protocol-flags cc-exit tls-ekm dyn-tls-crypt,tun-mtu 1500' (status=1)" 2024-03-18T13:04:32+0000 [stdout#info] [OVPN 1] OUT: "2024-03-18 13:04:32 user/ Data Channel: cipher '[null-cipher]', auth '[null-digest]', peer-id: 0" 2024-03-18T13:04:32+0000 [stdout#info] [OVPN 1] OUT: '2024-03-18 13:04:32 user/ Timers: ping 12, ping-restart 100' 2024-03-18T13:04:32+0000 [stdout#info] [OVPN 1] OUT: '2024-03-18 13:04:32 user/ Protocol options: protocol-flags cc-exit tls-ekm dyn-tls-crypt'
You may need to make adjustments based on your client.
OpenVPN Connect v3
Turning off encryption is not supported at this time.
OpenVPN 2.3 and older
You shouldn't need to make any adjustments here. OpenVPN 2.3 should use the auth and cipher none set above and ignore the data-ciphers setting.
OpenVPN 2.4
You shouldn't need to make any adjustments here. OpenVPN 2.4 recognizes ncp-ciphers, should work with the auth and cipher none set above, and ignore the data-ciphers setting.
OpenVPN 2.5 and newer
You shouldn't need to make any adjustments here. OpenVPN 2.5 and newer should recognize the auth none and data-ciphers setting and ignore the cipher.