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Tutorial: Integrate Okta with Access Server via LDAP


Configuring Okta to integrate with Access Server can be done with LDAP. This requires requesting the LDAP Interface feature added to your Okta account.


Configuring Okta to integrate with Access Server can be done with LDAP. This requires requesting the LDAP Interface feature added to your Okta account.

The following pieces will make up the LDAP integration between Okta and OpenVPN Access Server:

  • An active LDAP Interface in your Okta directory integrations.

  • An Okta Read Only admin account as your bind user.

  • Defining the configuration for the bind in Access Server.

  • An installed Access Server.

  • An Okta directory.

  1. Sign in to the Okta Admin Console with Super admin privileges.

  2. Click Directory > People.

  3. Click Add Person and enter a username to distinguish them as the LDAP bind user.

  4. After activating the user, click Security > Administrators.

  5. Click Add Administrator and type your new user's name in the Grant administrator role to field.

  6. Click Read Only Administrator.

  7. Click Add Administrator.

  1. Sign in to the Okta Admin Console with Super admin privileges.

  2. Click Directory > Directory Integrations.

  3. Click Add LDAP Interface.


    If this isn't an option, you must request it from Okta Support.

  4. From the LDAP Interface page, you'll find most of the settings necessary for the configuration in Access Server.

  1. Sign in to the Admin Web UI.

  2. Click Authentication > LDAP.

  3. Fill in the LDAP settings with the following information from Okta:

    Primary Server

    Host Name: <org_subdomain>

    Use SSL to connect to LDAP servers


    Credentials for Initial Bind

    Use these credentials = Yes

    Bind DN

    uid=<bind user email>, dc=<org_subdomain>, dc=okta, dc=com


    Enter the bind user's Okta password.

    Base DN for User Entries

    OU=Users, DC=<org_subdomain>, DC=okta, DC=com

    Username Attribute


    Additional LDAP Requirements

    Add additional parameters here, for instance, searching for members of a specific group, for example: memberOf=CN=&lt;group&gt;, OU=groups, DC=&lt;org_subdomain&gt;, DC=okta, DC=com

    • Users can now sign in with their Okta credentials.