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Tutorial: How to Assign SAML as the Default Authentication


Set SAML as the default authentication method for our VPN users connecting to Access Server.


Set SAML as the default authentication method for Access Server users. This tutorial walks you through the setup. When you've completed it, you've configured external user registration and SAML authentication, so when any user signs in successfully, they're added automatically to Access Server's user database.

Then, your users can download the necessary programs and connection profiles to get connections.

This means you don't have to add each and every user to Access Server yourself; they will simply be added automatically when they authenticate.

  • SAML is configured on Access Server with your IdP.

  1. Sign in to the Admin Web UI.

  2. Click Authentication > SAML and ensure you have the information saved for your IdP. (Ensure you've already configured SAML.)

  3. Enable SAML by clicking the toggle for Enable SAML authentication.

  4. Click Authentication > Settings.

  5. Under Default Authentication System, select SAML.

  6. Set Deny access to unlisted accounts by default to No.


Suppose you don’t want users to be automatically added upon successful login. In that case, you can set Deny access to unlisted accounts by default to Yes, which ensures that only existing accounts in the Access Server user database can sign in.