Status: Log Reports

About the Page

The Log Reports page gives you an easy form to query the history of clients that have connected to Access Server.

Query By Start Time

Query Parameters Prompt

At the top-left, under Query by Start Time, you can query the log using a time range with these three options:

  • Do not filter log on Start Time: No filtering via start time.
  • Last ___ hours: Search for entries in the last specified hours, days, or minutes by defining the time, then use the drop-down menu (default is hours) to query by days, hours, or minutes.

From ___ to ___: Define a time interval which ranges from the specified hours of the current day. For example, a user can query all logs that were submitted between 11:00 and 20:30. This generates all logs recorded between those times.

Filter by Number of Log Entries

At the top-right, under Filter by Number of Log Entries, you can limit the number of logs returned and query by earliest or latest entries. Use the drop-down menu to choose first (earliest) or last (latest). You can then display the results on screen by clicking Query Log or download as a CSV by clicking the download button.

Query Results

Example Query

Your query results include the following columns:

  • Node: The general Access Server name.
  • User Name: The identity of the user attempting to connect.
  • Start Time: The date when the request was made.
  • Duration: The amount of time the user was connected.
  • Service: The type of user connecting — Admin = WEB_ADMIN; Client = VPN.
  • Real IP: The IP address of the user.
  • VPN IP: The IP address assigned by the VPN to the user.
  • Proto: The protocol used for the connection: TCP or UDP.
  • Port: The port used to complete the request.
  • Bytes In: The amount of data received from the user.
  • Bytes Out: The amount of data sent to the user.
  • Error: The message detailing why a user couldn't connect. This is blank for successful connections.

Sorting and Filtering Query Results

The headers of the table contain arrows for sorting the entries in ascending or descending order. You can add additional filters to the query by inputting valid search parameters into the filter records field.

The query filters as you type characters in this field. To remove the filter and display all of the original result set, delete all characters or enter only a space.

Logging Disabled

You can turn off Access Server logging by editing the as.conf file. When turned off, Access Server no longer records logs that can help with troubleshooting should any issues arise.

When logging is off, Access Server displays, "logging disabled in as.conf."


The Log Reports page provides a clean interface to view the history of those whom have attempted to access the server. It provides a way to search, filter, and download results.