Status: Current Users

About the Page

Found under Status Overview is Current Users. Clicking on this takes you to a landing page that displays a table with information about the users currently connected to your Access Server in real-time.

Current Users

The table headers reference the relevant information about the user(s) currently connected.

Current Users Table

Notice the arrows above the headers of the table. Clicking these arrows will sort the columns in ascending/descending order. The search bar at the top right allows you to filter the table by inputting any valid parameter. All search parameters (those relative to the headers) are valid.

Common Name

The name of the user currently connected to the Access Server.

Real Address

The IP address of the device connected to the address server.

VPN Address

The address assigned by the VPN to the user. Local to the VPN.

Bytes Sent/Received

The total bytes sent or received from the connected device.

Connection Duration

The amount of time the user has been connected to the Access Server for their active session.


Displays whether the specified user has access to the Access Server. You can press the button to block the user.


The Current Users status page provides admins an overview of the users currently accessing the server. In order to adjust user permissions, you will need to navigate to User Management. If you would like more information to adjust user settings, refer to User Management: User Permissions. For more information about the current page, please click here.