Configuration: Web Server

About the Page

The Configuration: Web Server Configuration page provides you with general information about the SSL web server certificates and keys, and the ability to upload CA bundle files, certificates, and keys.

Active Certificate

The first section details the information about the SSL web certificate. When you first install Access Server, you encounter warnings about your browser not trusting the Admin Web UI's security certificate. This is because Access Server uses a self-signed certificate to start. You can replace that with a verified and trusted SSL certificate.

In order to set this up, ensure you have a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) to replace the IP address for connecting to the Admin Web UI.

Changing the Web Server Certificate

This section is where you upload your commercial SSL web certificate bundle. We recommend providing a valid web cert from a root authority to avoid the warnings associated with a self-signed certificate.

When you click the toggle for User-provided Certificate, you can provide a certification bundle.

To upload and validate your own certificate, you need three items:

  1. A signed certificate from your certificate authority.
  2. A CA bundle, or intermediary files from your certificate authority.
  3. A private key that was created when making the certificate-signing request.

Ensure the certificate file format is Apache-compatible, which can be referred to as X509/Base64 or PEM/CER format. If you receive files in .p12 or .pfx format, those are suitable for Windows, but not Linux. You can convert the certificates to the required format using a certificate utility.


The Configuration: Web Server page allows you to configure the Access Server certification settings. You can view information about the certification bundle, upload your own certification, and revert the certification to the previous certification.